Creativity flows freely to me like everlasting electricity…

erin kratina karbuczky
2 min readJun 21, 2020
@ flappersandphilosophersoracle on instagram

When I feel disconnected from my creativity, my sense of self worth plummets. I know that I have so much more to offer the world, but creativity feels as essential as my heart, or my bones, or my tongue. Without it, I cannot love, cannot speak, cannot move or be moved. Logic dictates that I am worthy of self love, love from others, and a life full of infinite wonder and possibility, whether or not creativity is involved. That is so true, and it’s one of the messages I want to bring home to myself and others — you are worthy. Even if your “creative well” dried up tomorrow, you would still have a full life and be a full person… There is no one else like you in the world, not exactly.

But what if we just are a highly creative person? Then what? Our sense of creativity is tied to our self worth. So I say to you, that just as I believe you are always a full soul, I also believe you can always connect to your creativity.

If your confidence is low, if you’ve faced rejection, if you haven’t been writing or making art because the world has gone to pieces and you’re not sure whose oxygen mask to put on first (hint: your own, so that you can help others with theirs)… i want you to remember this affirmation: Creativity flows freely to me like everlasting electricity.

Affirmations don’t have to rhyme, but this one does, and it tickles me.

If you’re still stuck, sometimes it’s best to walk away from the desk, and do something physical. Clean your home, take a walk/run or do some yoga. If you’re able, spend a few hours at the beach (my happy place) or your own happy place. And as you stare at the ocean, or the dishwater, remember:

Creativity flows freely to me like everlasting electricity.

Let it possess you. We are always connected to inspiration.

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I recently conceived of an oracle deck, specifically for writers. The above postwas first posted on my instagram account for the oracle deck, @flappersandphilosophersoracle. My bookstagram account is @flappersandphilosophersohmy, and my blog is Please let me know if you find the “oracle cards” helpful, or what improvements or processes you’d like to see, as I would love to one day print an updated deck and booklet for sale.



erin kratina karbuczky

A writer living in the Pacific Northwest. Currently writing my first novel.